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The locks buy with the day-to-day nursing knowledge
Source:  Author:  Hits:8  Date:2012-09-18

China's lock industry of the lock brand high-tech inputs is increasing year by year, high-end lock market demand is increasing year by year. Lock-making enterprises have also developed such as IC card electronic door locks, electronic password lock, encryption type magnetic door locks, building intercom security system, valves, locks, etc.. Some companies are developing fingerprint lock. More prominent because of the high content of high-end locks humane, personalized features, so a relatively high profit products.

The locks buy with the day-to-day nursing knowledge

Locks material on the market basically divided stainless steel, copper, zinc alloy, Steel and aluminum. Strength of stainless steel, corrosion resistance, the same color, is the best-made lock material; copper is relatively common, superior mechanical properties, the price is also more expensive; rugged wear and corrosion resistance of high-quality zinc alloy is very strong, easy molding, generally used to make the mid-range lock. With maintenance locks optional, this listed a few points we need to pay attention to.

1, First to recognize the products has name and address, trademark and whether professional quality inspection agency recently issued inspection compliance report.

2, when purchasing materials to moderate feel to be a solid, reliable, refrain selection of cheap and poor quality inferior materials manufacturing all kinds of locks.

3, Locks installation is critical: the installation must be strictly held according to the product instructions need to clearly understand the installation center distance, the scope and locks open. Particular attention to corrosion in order to guard against harmful substances can not be installed in the high humidity of the wood frame door on.

4, locks surface to be clear, the surface is not rough feeling to be comfortable. The locks open rotating flexible locking device should work, and can not feel the feeling of failure, confidential better performance.

5, usually keep lock clean preparedness foreign matter into the lock cylinder marbles tank, resulting in open fight rolling, even the lock can not be opened.